What does choice mean when it comes to health care?
The Republican position on health care has been based upon a belief in individual choice. Here's how their own versions…
The Republican position on health care has been based upon a belief in individual choice. Here's how their own versions…
An ancient Roman fable imagines a cinaedus, well-known for his brazen effeminacy, fighting heroically. This story raises…
Films motivate people to travel to locations previously unknown. In the process, tourists become a lot like spiritual seekers.
A scholar explains the long process to sainthood and what Pope Francis' recent order might change.
Psalm 137 – best known for its opening line, 'By the Rivers of Babylon' – is a 2,500-year-old Hebrew psalm that…
There are three very different kinds of liberty. When people talk about religious liberty, what kind of liberty they might…
The story of a six-year-old boy with dyslexia who, with support from friends and teachers, became a successful professor.…
The Catholic Church prohibits the use of gluten-free bread for Communion. The reasons lie in the challenges faced by the…
FBI data show that in 2015 anti-Muslim hate crimes spiked to the highest level since 2001. A scholar finds political rhetoric…
The 19th-century social gospel, which emphasized how Jesus’ ethical teachings could address poverty and inequality, continues…
Vigilante Hindu groups in India have lynched several people for eating beef. A scholar traces the history of beef-eating…
The hierarchy of the Catholic Church requires nearly absolute obedience. This makes it difficult to speak up against superiors.…
With 90 percent of global goods coming to us by ship, who are the men and women who care for the crews?
Falwell Sr. was a pastor who founded the Moral Majority, a conservative Christian political lobbying group. He changed the…
Historically, indigenous peoples used the natural seasonal cycles of weather, plants and animals as part of their religious…
Frederick Douglass used the words of a Hebrew poem – Psalm 137 – to give an address on 'What to a Slave is the Fourth…
As the African-American Music Appreciation Month comes to a close, a scholar discusses the role of early preachers in shaping…
Facebook has been used at times for antisocial behavior. However, such behaviors are neither unique nor new.
As Harry Potter turns 20, a scholar says protesters who try to censor books do not trust young readers to discern the difference…
There are an estimated 3,500 to 5,000 Muslims in Puerto Rico. Who are they and what is their history?