A dangerous fire season looms as the drought-stricken Western U.S. heads for a water crisis
Drought conditions are so bad, fish hatcheries are trucking their salmon to the ocean and ranchers are worried about having…
Drought conditions are so bad, fish hatcheries are trucking their salmon to the ocean and ranchers are worried about having…
International law bars nations from causing environmental harms in other states. Should that include sending thousands of…
The Biden administration has a goal of getting from today's 42 megawatts of offshore wind power to nearly 30,000 by…
The costs make it harder for farm families to grow their businesses.
When something is free, people use a lot of it. Economists are urging governments to compute values for natural resources…
The US has one of the highest groundwater use rates in the world. When wells run dry, households may opt to conserve water,…
The US is shifting to a new set of climate 'normals' – data sets averaged over the past 30 years. But normal is…
An increasing number of communities are discovering dangerous contamination in their water systems weeks or months after…
The lead author of a new UN report on methane explains the findings and how oil and gas companies could be making money…
President Biden has proposed spending $45 billion to replace every lead water pipe and service line in the nation. A public…
HFCs keep refrigerators cool, but when these short-lived climate pollutants leak, they warm the planet. The US EPA has a…
Installing solar panels over California's 4,000 miles of canals could generate less expensive, renewable energy, save…
Scientists watched in real time as rising ocean heat transformed the sprawling reef. It was a harbinger for ecosystems everywhere…
Farmers can help slow climate change by mixing native grasses into croplands, restoring wetlands and raising perennial crops.…
Planting trees is a popular way to do something for nature, but putting seedlings in the ground is just the first step.…
People have painted on cave walls, written on clay and wax tablets, papyrus, and paper made from wood. Could screens replace…
That doesn't mean sea level rise has stopped – it hasn't. When that lunar cycle starts upward again, it will mean…
An infrastructure boom threatens endangered tigers across Asia. Scientists want to know more about how tigers behave near…
Two energy and climate policy experts took a closer look at the Leaders Summit on Climate, the US pledge and today's…
The genius of the Paris climate agreement was getting major oil producing countries to agree to a target, but they still…