The Supreme Court just shriveled federal protection for wetlands, leaving many of these valuable eco
In Sackett v. EPA, a suit filed by two homeowners who filled in wetlands on their property, the Supreme Court has drastically…
In Sackett v. EPA, a suit filed by two homeowners who filled in wetlands on their property, the Supreme Court has drastically…
El Niño years put Hawaii and the Mexican Riviera on alert for destructive tropical storms and hurricanes.
If greenhouse gas emissions continue at a high rate, breadbaskets of Europe and North America will see a 50% chance of a…
Honolulu, Baltimore, Charleston, S.C. and several other cities harmed by rising seas and extreme weather are suing the oil…
Generative AI, those astonishingly powerful language- and image-generating tools taking the world by storm, come at a price:…
Coca-Cola has made ambitions climate and sustainability pledges, but marketing its products worldwide will always be a top…
Fires in Canada have sent smoke across several US states, leaving cities like Denver with some of the worst air quality…
Access to affordable child care affects farm productivity, safety and ultimately the nation’s food supply. Farm families…
Scientists are learning amazing things about bees’ sensory perception and mental capabilities.
Fossil fuel power plants can avoid most emissions by capturing carbon dioxide and pumping it underground. But to be a climate…
Some rocks will burn, and others will melt, depending on how they were formed and what minerals they contain.
The Supreme Court has upheld a controversial California law requiring pork sold in-state to be humanely raised, no matter…
After the Supreme Court overturned the Obama administration’s strategy for reducing power plant carbon emissions in 2022,…
Carbon capture and storage is the most promising solution for gas and coal-fired power plants to keep running under the…
As federal funding for infrastructure rolls in, communities run the risk of spending millions of dollars on systems that…
Hydrogen is getting a lot of attention as the EPA prepares to propose new greenhouse gas emissions rules for existing U.S.…
Even if you don’t live near farm country, you’ve got a stake in the upcoming farm bill – including what kind of farms…
A Steller’s sea eagle, native to the Asian Arctic, has traveled across North America since 2021. A scholar questions whether…
Three forces are pulling down ESG’s once-rapid rise in the investment world.
The tiny organisms that cause harmful blooms of algae can have a big impact on your trip to the shore. A toxicologist explains…