More vulnerable people live in Philadelphia neighborhoods that are less green and get hotter
An interdisciplinary group of researchers at Penn State ran computer models on two Philadelphia census tracts. The neighborhood…
An interdisciplinary group of researchers at Penn State ran computer models on two Philadelphia census tracts. The neighborhood…
It might seem counterintuitive to suggest timber harvesting when the goal is to restore forests, but that gives landholders…
Water shortages are one of the greatest problems created by a warming world. A decentralized water system is a compelling…
Migrating birds need stopover locations en route where they can rest and feed. A new study shows that artificial light draws…
Though progressive politics at the turn of the 20th century called for the protection of America’s national parks, it…
The early heat melted snow and warmed rivers, heating up the land and downstream ocean areas. The effects harmed salmon…
Spices have been prized commodities for centuries. Today, ‘warm’ flavors boost our health and spirits in fall and winter.
What’s in a name? A lot, if you’re an Audubon’s Oriole or a Townsend’s Solitaire.
The agreement still leaves many unanswered questions, as well as concerns from vulnerable countries about who will qualify,…
New research provides evidence for the first time that the primary chemical in Roundup is reaching people in nearby homes,…
For a project on identifying lead water pipes in homes, outreach through partner groups produced a more representative set…
How many years you reuse a fake holiday tree matters. So does what happens to a live tree when you’ve packed up the ornaments.
South of Cape Cod, fiddler crabs and marsh grass have long had a mutually beneficial relationship. It’s a different story…
Inert ingredients are added for purposes other than killing pests and are not required under federal law to be tested for…
New England has thousands of miles of stone walls. A geoscientist explains why analyzing them scientifically is a solid…
Food systems are increasingly disrupted by climate disasters, while also being a major contributor to climate change. World…
This isn’t the first time that US authorities have criminalized civil disobedience or framed grassroots organizing as…
A central question remains unresolved in the draft treaty: Is plastic pollution basically a waste management problem, or…
A veteran of UN climate talks lays out the top themes and their sticking points, including concerns about the host country’s…
Industry is a leading climate polluter: Our road map shows what’s needed to cut industrial emissions in fast-growing countries.