Trees ‘remember’ wetter times − never having known abundant rain could buffer today’s young forests
Water availability regulates tree growth and can have ‘legacy effects’ long after conditions change.
Water availability regulates tree growth and can have ‘legacy effects’ long after conditions change.
Where people live today also makes a difference when it comes to fire risk.
For example, the first Trump administration tried to use the principles of transparency to prevent federal agencies from…
The Interior Department manages about one-fifth of all US land. Its secretary mediates among many competing uses for it,…
A biologist explains what to focus on if you’re designing a garden with pollinators in mind − and what you don’t need…
The answer depends on how you define ‘normal.’ The baseline has been creeping up as the planet warms.
The future of scrub mints could be in jeopardy because of climate change, development and misclassification.
From dried-up rivers to flooded crops and cities, rising temperatures in 2024 wreaked havoc with water, creating life-threatening…
The fire burned more than 1,000 homes outside Boulder, Colorado, in 2021. A series of surveys shows residents’ continuing…
These marine mammals are still feeling the effects of whaling. For most species, it may be another 100 years before there…
Animal welfare laws don’t protect invertebrates, but there’s evidence that some, such as octopuses, are as intelligent…
Rising carbon dioxide levels in the air are making plants grow larger and faster, but diluting their nutritional content.…
Will protecting monarch butterflies under the Endangered Species Act improve their chance of surviving? Not necessarily,…
If federal streamgages were bolstered by networks of cheaper monitors run by communities, the results could save lives.
That delay can tip ranchers’ finances into the red. While the land needs time to recover, studies raise questions about…
Evolution is often depicted as a steady forward march from simple to complex forms. But new research shows that certain…
Nearly 10% of the planet’s human inhabitants live within 3.1 miles of the coast − where the risk of climate disasters…
More architects are using wood construction for large buildings. A resource economist argues any increase in demand for…
Rapid changes underway in the Arctic affect the region’s people and wildlife, and the entire planet.
Private conservation groups channel huge sums of money to parks and protected areas around the world, but often have failed…