What made the rain in Hurricane Harvey so extreme?
An expert in extreme weather events explains why the rain – and thus flooding – associated with Hurricane Harvey has…
An expert in extreme weather events explains why the rain – and thus flooding – associated with Hurricane Harvey has…
Evacuations and disruptions to health care during and after disasters like Hurricane Harvey are serious threats for older…
As Hurricane Harvey shows, flooding can happen wherever large storms stall and dumps lots of rain. A new study finds that…
When the United States was settled, nearly everyone was a farmer. Today only 2 percent of Americans live on farms, and many…
A new study confirms what many already know: Exxon for years sowed uncertainty and doubt about climate change in the public.…
Snowshoe hares in warmer zones have thinner fur, and some are not turning white in winter. As climate change warms the Northeast,…
More and more research shows that we are likely to pass the 2 degree Celsius temperature limit much of the world has agreed…
Instead of building a wall on the US-Mexico border, a landscape architect calls for restoring the Rio Grande and turning…
In Puerto Rico the Trump administration's 'energy dominance' policy echoes colonial practices by fast-forwarding…
Study uses satellite data to add to growing evidence that nighttime light exposure raises risk of breast cancer, with the…
Why is it so hard to reach consensus about how to slow climate change? Multiple time lags get in the way: some make it hard…
The Trump administration's decision to dismiss or accept a government-prepared climate report will have life-or-death…
A new study shows that anchovies – key food for larger fish – are attracted to plastic trash because it smells like…
China has started exporting cooked chicken meat to the United States. Is it safe to eat? An agriculture extension specialist…
Why assembling two teams to debate climate change is all about political spectacle and sowing doubt – and has nothing…
Nuclear power plants don't just pump out steady, carbon-free electricity; they also help produce the people the US needs…
When utilities plan investments, they think decades ahead. A recent study shows why power companies should be spending more…
How do you prevent urban sprawl? Researchers look to a program in New Mexico for an answer.
An experiment in getting people to care about climate change uses slick videos, charismatic scientists and calls to action.
New research shows that older people are especially at risk during and after natural disasters, and may need medical help…