Global toll from landslides is heaviest in developing countries
While the Montecito, California mudslides took 20 lives, landslides kill far more people in developing countries. Tighter…
While the Montecito, California mudslides took 20 lives, landslides kill far more people in developing countries. Tighter…
Many parts of the US have experienced extreme heat or extreme cold in the past year. Recent research projects that climate…
A watershed scientist explains why post-wildfire landscapes are so susceptible to landslides – and why those risks are…
Congress is drafting the 2018 farm bill, which will guide agriculture, nutrition, trade and rural development policy. A…
Its plan to stop lending money for oil and gas projects embraces the spirit of the Paris agreement at a time when the U.S.…
In response to mudslides that have killed at least 20 people in Southern California, a geologist calls for more resources…
Winemakers call the ecological factors that define their product terroir. By redefining that idea to include history and…
An atmospheric scientists who studies the Arctic explains why – because of global warming – the U.S. may be in for longer…
Congress is moving to cut back the Endangered Species Act and give more power to states. But a recent study shows that state…
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has rejected a Trump administration proposal to reward coal and nuclear power plants…
A scientist who served on a national commission to review the 2010 BP oil spill explains why Trump administration efforts…
A recent study shows plankton that have adapted to road salt have disrupted circadian rhythms. This finding suggests that…
Climate change is raising global sea levels. Now research shows that 'hot spots' where seas rise another 4 to 5…
Trump administration rollbacks dominated news about the environment in 2017 – but beyond Washington D.C., many researchers…
Alaska and oil proponents are cheering a move to open up an ecologically sensitive part of the Arctic National Wildlife…
The oil giant is bowing to pressure exerted by shareholders and the authorities as it tries to catch up with its competitors.
By 2050, climate change impacts such as storms and drought could displace up to 300 million people worldwide. Nations should…
At many popular destinations, residents are protesting against crowding, rowdy visitors and low wages. With some research,…
How do mercury emissions from industrialized countries reach the remote Arctic? Recent research shows that plants on the…
The global mushroom industry is worth $35 billion yearly and growing. But mushrooms and other fungi play important ecological…