The federal government has long treated Nevada as a dumping ground, and it's not just Yucca Mountain
If recent history repeats itself, the proposed repository for extremely dangerous nuclear waste will stay dead.
If recent history repeats itself, the proposed repository for extremely dangerous nuclear waste will stay dead.
'Bendable concrete' is not an oxymoron. Mimicking designs found in nature, engineers are making concrete that gives…
Did Rachel Carson catalyze the organic farming movement, as many advocates claim? Or would she reject their ban on synthetic…
Large-scale solar and wind tend to push energy prices down, which sounds great as a consumer. But that makes keeping the…
Chemical companies touted synthetic insecticides and herbicides as miracle products in the 1940s and 1950s. But farmers…
Honeybees receive a lot of attention, but the first North American bee to be listed as an endangered species is a wild bumble…
Nestle pays the state a pittance in exchange for its water at a time when public awareness of water issues is rising.
Environmentalists and climate hawks are cheering, but many experts aren't excited about the state making rooftop solar…
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt wants to change the grounds for setting US air pollution targets. An environmental lawyer…
With elevated wildfire risks forecast across much of the western US this summer, here's how travelers can track local…
The EPA intends to limit what scientific studies can inform policy – a change long sought by industry. A long-time public…
Chytrid fungus has caused a global "amphibian apocalypse," killing frogs worldwide. Now some appear to be evolving…
Several states, including Massachusetts, have developed ambitious renewable energy targets that hinge in large part on getting…
Do environmental reviews delay large-scale projects? The Trump administration says yes, but studies show that these reviews…
Many Coloradans feel powerless to protect themselves from pollution and other fallout caused by the state's fracking…
New research is spotlighting personal care products, such as shampoos and skin lotions, as a significant source of chemicals…
A review of Trump's stated war on regulations doesn't find many successful repeals. But it is hurting regulatory…
Fountains of lava from Hawaii's Kilauea volcano are dramatic, but the most deadly impacts of volcanic eruptions are…
Deriving fuel from trees costs more than wind and solar power and it emits more carbon than coal. There are many heated…
According to one study, more than 8 million people per year die early from air pollution exposure.