Green-baiting lawmakers are accusing environmentalists of doubling as ‘foreign agents’
Just like with Cold War-era red-baiting, there's an apparent effort to discredit and undermine critics of the US government.
Just like with Cold War-era red-baiting, there's an apparent effort to discredit and undermine critics of the US government.
The global population is climbing faster and faster. What will this mean for future generations?
After two years of turmoil at the EPA in the 1980s, President Reagan hit the reset button, choosing a Republican who supported…
July is the hottest month in much of North America. Experts explain who is most affected by heat waves and ways to cope…
In many US cities, ride-hailing apps are luring riders away from public transit and increasing traffic congestion. But with…
There are precedents for trying to make the industries responsible for climate change foot the bill for adapting to a changed…
Large-scale emergencies can be a strain, even in one of the world's richest countries. Population growth, income inequality…
Many people who live near large-scale livestock farms complain about noxious smells, air and water pollution and health…
This new and more accurate estimate means that replacing coal with natural gas doesn't do as much to reduce climate…
Crop insurance cushions farmers against natural disasters, but it also can lead them to overuse resources and reduce their…
Vermonters' views on labels for genetically engineered foods shed light on consumers' views, as the federal government…
US farmers are planting more and more acres with seeds coated with neonicotinoid pesticides. An ecologist explains why this…
Scientists have found that the bedrock underneath the West Antarctica Ice Sheet has the potential to rebound in response…
A scholar of climate misinformation campaigns explains how, in part, the large gap in public opinion on global warming emerged…
Generating less electricity with fossil fuels could help save lives.
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has proposed steps that would reduce economic benefits to society from new regulations. An…
If the US were to stop dumping these valuable metals in landfills and to cease exporting them as cheap scrap, its imports…
It's becoming harder and harder for animals to find human-free spaces on the planet. New research suggests that to try…
Last summer one of Antarctica's floating ice shelves calved an iceberg the size of Delaware – but scientists say other…
As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise, rice plants produce fewer vitamins and other key nutrients. This could worsen…