Drones to track one of the largest dam removals on the Eastern Seaboard
When a dam comes down this fall, a team of scientists will be there to track the environmental changes.
When a dam comes down this fall, a team of scientists will be there to track the environmental changes.
Paying these CEOs more when oil prices rise means they're rewarded for having good luck.
Is 3D printing better for the environment than conventional manufacturing? The jury is still out.
New research shows that injecting wastewater deep underground can cause earthquakes far from the injection site. It also…
Taking millions of gallons of water permanently out of the Colorado River amid a prolonged drought would surely start an…
Huge fires roared through Yellowstone National Park in the summer of 1988, scorching one-third of the park. Since then the…
Many US coastal towns are building defenses to protect against rising seas and storms. This can encourage people to stay…
Many people board up their houses and stay in place during disasters – but often they aren't prepared to go without…
Hurricane Harvey swamped much of Houston in 2017, causing more damage than all other US hurricanes except Katrina. But now…
Trump's energy plan may meet the letter of the law but the Affordable Clean Energy Plan reflects the administration's…
The Trump administration's Affordable Clean Energy Plan would help the declining coal industry, but a study shows many…
The Trump administration wants to step up logging, saying it will benefit wildlife by reducing forest fire risks. But wildfires…
Colombia's coffee industry is at risk due to unpredictable seasons, floods, landslides, droughts and pests. Farmers…
Incineration of household waste has gotten a bad name, argues an economist, who sees today's recycling crisis as an…
Bitcoin is often criticized for using up tons of energy. But its carbon footprint may not be that bad.
Roughly 10,000 tons of plastic enter the Great Lakes every year, and scientists want to know where it ends up. There are…
Since China stopped importing 'foreign garbage' in March 2018, scrap – especially plastic – has built up in…
Bio-based plastics made from natural sources break down more easily than conventional plastic, without producing toxic byproducts.…
Research is yielding strategies for making plastics greener and more sustainable. But without support as they scale up,…
As California reels from another devastating fire season, environmental resource scholars explain how the state – and…