Rising insurance costs may convince Americans that climate change risks are real
Convincing people to see and appreciate the threats posed by climate change is one of the great challenges of our day. Insurers…
Convincing people to see and appreciate the threats posed by climate change is one of the great challenges of our day. Insurers…
Explaining how carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems work is simpler than figuring out how high those taxes and caps should…
How should the US spend limited funds for conserving endangered species? A new data tool lets managers compare different…
Government agencies spend millions of dollars yearly to buy and demolish homes sited in floodplains. But the program is…
When people form local networks to take care of resources such as drinking water, they strengthen their communities. Technology…
A big spill in Michigan's Straits of Mackinac could have devastating consequences. But does replacing the pipeline running…
Exxon Mobil has a clear motive to back a new plan to tax carbon with its clout and money. And a carbon tax that is high…
The National Park Service is moving wolves to Isle Royale in Lake Superior to replenish a small pack on the island. Wolves…
Hurricanes Michael and Florence have knocked power out for millions of people. Burying power lines could help but the costs…
Coastal development is destroying marshes, mangroves and other wetlands that provide valuable protection from hurricanes…
The results of an online survey that measured public responses to a policy aimed at reducing carbon emissions contradict…
Hurricanes frequently move inland in the southeast US, causing widespread river flooding, but emergency plans focus on protecting…
William Nordhaus showed that the market offers the best chance for preventing global catastrophe form climate change.
The UN's panel on climate change said that technologies to remove CO2 will be necessary to limit global temperature…
A new tool called EcoCast helps fishermen in the West Coast figure out where it's best to fish that day.
Dairy cows are sensitive to heat, so farmers cool them down with sprinklers and fans. Researchers are designing better,…
Do high fuel economy requirements make the US auto fleet less safe? The Trump administration says yes and is moving to freeze…
The return of white sharks to Cape Cod, Massachusetts was a tourism success story – until a shark killed a swimmer. Can…
The ocean floor holds unique information about Earth's history. Scientific ocean drilling, which started 50 years ago,…
Landowners told researchers that they lacked the knowledge, time and money to advocate for themselves, their financial interests…