Utilities are starting to invest in big batteries instead of building new power plants
Energy storage could prove an inexpensive way for power companies to handle heat waves and other times when consumers use…
Energy storage could prove an inexpensive way for power companies to handle heat waves and other times when consumers use…
There are precedents regarding power generation and ethanol but no nation has ever achieved as comprehensive and dramatic…
In a global economy, passing laws to conserve forests, fisheries or other natural resources can simply shift demand for…
It will be hard and complicated to replace Venezuela's heavy sour crude.
US cities were designed and engineered around cars. Now some are working to increase walking and biking, but the shift isn't…
An Obama administration veteran offers some insights from his experience about driving massive increases in clean energy.
It's often more effective, cheaper and less controversial than other efforts to confront climate change.
Satellites hundreds of miles overheard are helping scientists to predict drought, track floods and see how climate change…
Urban farming can make it easier for city residents to obtain healthy, affordable food. But to raise big yields from small…
US agriculture is dominated by large farms that rely on chemical inputs. In contrast, regenerative farming makes land and…
Can a new government, perhaps by shoring up democracy and oversight, harness this commodity for peace and prosperity?
Minorities are driving the bicycling boom, but bike infrastructure investments often neglect their needs. A new study explores…
Dozens of cities, states and nations are enacting bans and restrictions on single-use plastic bags and other items. A legal…
The coal, oil and natural gas industries are also connected with human rights violations, public health disasters and environmental…
The Grand Canyon, which marks 100 years as a national park on Feb. 26, 2019, is known today as an iconic natural wonder.…
Polls suggest that the majority of Americans think climate change is real, is caused by humans and needs to be addressed.…
An atmospheric scientist explains why water can do some strange-looking things at very cold temperatures, and what's…
These technologies could turn into a powerful tool for fighting global warming, and they have the potential to address historical…
Marshes, swamps and other kinds of wetlands provide valuable services, such as effective natural flood control. But they…
Making electric grids better able to withstand extreme weather events will require teamwork from engineers, researchers…