Shark Week looms, but don't panic
Media coverage of sharks often exaggerates risks to people, but more than 500 shark species have never been known to attack…
Media coverage of sharks often exaggerates risks to people, but more than 500 shark species have never been known to attack…
Hagfish have been called the most disgusting creatures in the ocean. But what are they?
July 29, 2019 is 'Earth Overshoot Day,' a date coined by the nonprofit Global Footprint Network to publicize overuse…
"Building back better" refers to making communities more disaster-proof and resilient after they take a hit. But…
Birds spend a lot of time and energy singing, but they don't do it the same way in every season of the year. And some…
Hot weather kills more Americans yearly on average than floods, tornadoes or hurricanes. Three scholars explain how cities…
Protecting land from being developed intuitively may seem like a drag on local economies, but research in New England finds…
At a time when storms are becoming more frequent and severe, relying on levees for flood control can create as many problems…
Scientists are predicting major algae blooms in Lake Erie and large dead zones in the Chesapeake Bay and Gulf of Mexico…
Western states adopted a 7-year plan in May 2019 to manage low water levels in the Colorado River. Now they need to look…
Flint's highest recorded lead levels were typical for water systems that report problems. What's more, a number…
As climate change alters temperature and rainfall patterns, yields of some crops are increasing while others decline. The…
Restoring tropical rainforests is good for the climate, wild species and humans. But where to start? A new study pinpoints…
Three scholars argue that agriculture is failing to sustain either the land or American farmers. They propose a modern version…
Getting everyone whose lives were thrown off-track back takes a lot of personal effort, paired with work done by a constantly…
Weeds are serious problems on sports fields, parks and other sites covered with turfgrass. A new strategy uses mechanical…
Patriotism means pride in country, but what are we proud of? A former national park ranger suggests that visiting historic…
In a study that cultivated coral 'gardens' with varying numbers of species, plots with more species were healthier.…
Every year the US burns more than 34 million tons of garbage in incinerators. These plants are major pollution sources,…
Major US environmental organizations have promised to diversify their staffs and boards for more than 20 years, but moved…