California wildfires signal the arrival of a planetary fire age
The Earth may be entering an era in which natural and human-generated fire together are reshaping the planet.
The Earth may be entering an era in which natural and human-generated fire together are reshaping the planet.
Farmers worldwide say Monsanto's policy of charging for every use of its genetically modified seeds violates their planting…
Long before Apple vs. Microsoft or Facebook vs. Google, there was Edison vs. Westinghouse.
Instead of suppressing wildfire, the Karuk Tribe in the Pacific Northwest is using it as an integral part of its climate…
Scientists who were appointed to advise the EPA on air pollution kept meeting independently after the agency dissolved their…
What can we do as individuals to help save the planet? Acting locally is satisfying because we can see the results, but…
Electric cars gets lots of attention, but in the developing world, electric two-wheelers have the potential to spread quickly…
To save what’s left of nature on this increasingly human planet, conservation needs to become a top priority around the…
Take a look at the first high-resolution map of the US food supply chain.
As climate change intensifies, much of the nation's building stock will need upgrading to strengthen it against flooding,…
Yerba mate is a wildly popular South American tea with a growing global market. Can this 'superfood' save Paraguay's…
How are oil companies positioning themselves for a post-carbon world? So far, cautiously.
Americans eat more meat on average than citizens of any other nation, but new survey findings show that plant-based meat…
Hundreds of bishops, priests, missionaries and tribal leaders are at the Vatican for the Synod of the Amazon, a three-week…
As climate change intensifies the risk of wildfires in California, insurers are dropping coverage for many homeowners.
China is betting that a massive set of investments around the world will bring it economic prosperity and international…
Investing in farming methods that improve lands and water, and in rural infrastructure and markets, could bring new prosperity…
Two fire researchers argue that recent fires in Northern and Southern California show why health and social equity need…
Two scholars report on how conservation policies designed to protect reindeer are harming the nomadic Tsaatan people who…
The gravity and force of this Category 5 hurricane that lashed the Florida Panhandle and other Southern states may never…