Spring is arriving earlier across the US, and that's not always good news
Climate change has advanced the arrival of spring by as much as several weeks in some parts of the US. This can mean major…
Climate change has advanced the arrival of spring by as much as several weeks in some parts of the US. This can mean major…
Millions of Americans feed wild birds, especially in winter and spring. Studies show that this can influence birds'…
Native Brazilians are among the Amazon's most effective defenders against logging and mining, because they're fighting…
Climate change, globalization and concerns about rat poison soon could drive rat infestations to levels not seen in centuries.…
Dams built to hold enormous quantities of toxic mining waste have a long history of spills. Decisions in the Pacific Northwest…
A new study takes an innovative approach to reducing fine particle air pollution and spotlights key sources: factories that…
Four out of 5 Americans live in cities, so urban planning can make a big difference in our lifestyles – especially if…
North America's prairies once were home to millions of wild animals. Today, most of that lands is farmed or developed,…
US military leaders have to plan for operations all over the world, so they can't afford to ignore climate change or…
According to a new study, about four in 10 air pollution deaths in the US are due to emissions crossing state lines.
Bangladesh is on the front lines of climate change, but factors including money, gender and religion make some Bangladeshis…
Golden Rice – a controversial genetically modified product designed to combat malnutrition – has been approved as safe…
Can maps of people's flooded properties convince them that rising sea level is a threat?
Storing more carbon in soil helps slow climate change and makes croplands more productive. But there are two kinds of soil…
Through genetic detective work, scientists have identified missing links in the tomato’s evolution from a wild blueberry-sized…
A new generation of ranchers is exploring sustainable ways to raise cattle, sheep and goats in California. Some are grazing…
Earth's biggest rivers are streams of warm water vapor in the atmosphere that can cause huge rain and snowfall over…
Two centuries after it was first sighted by Russian explorers, Antarctica is a key site for studying the future of Earth's…
Starting Feb. 6, 2020, California farmers will be barred from using chlorpyrifos on their crops. The Trump administration…
Both opinions the three-judge panel handed down warned of a potential climate catastrophe. Only one judge said the courts…