The first Earth Day was a shot heard around the world
April 22, 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, which catalyzed action to protect the environment not just in the US…
April 22, 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, which catalyzed action to protect the environment not just in the US…
The 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill caused widespread damage in the Gulf of Mexico, but some parts of this complex ecosystem…
Wildfire smoke makes it harder for firefighters' bodies to fight off viral invaders. But firefighting conditions make…
The Deepwater Horizon oil disaster catalyzed a decade of research on oil contamination in the Gulf of Mexico, from surface…
The BP Deepwater Horizon blowout on April 20, 2010 triggered the largest offshore oil spill in history. Ten years later,…
Plants have evolved techniques for protecting themselves from heat and insect attacks – but when both these stresses happen…
Using distance to avoid getting sick has deep evolutionary roots for humans and many other species.
Wild animals and animal parts are bought and sold worldwide, often illegally. This multibillion-dollar industry is pushing…
The US is gradually shifting to lower-carbon energy sources, but the COVID-19 pandemic, an oil price crash and a likely…
'Walden,' published in 1854, is a manual for solitude with a purpose.
The value that bats provide to humans by pollinating crops and eating insects is far greater than harm from virus transmission…
You won't see a blue shark near the beach, but thanks to 50 years of tagging data, scientists are learning about their…
Water is essential for health, economic well-being and social equity, but too many people around the world still don't…
Releasing balloons at weddings and other celebrations is festive, until they break into pieces and become plastic pollution.…
Most commercial hand sanitizers are mainly alcohol, but forget about hitting the liquor store and mixing your own.
A new study estimates that mangroves prevent over $65 billion in damage from coastal storms every year, and says mangrove…
Insect populations are falling as what they eat becomes more like iceberg lettuce and less like kale.
A new study finds 70% of Amazonian dung beetles were killed by the severe fire and droughts of 2015 to 2016. By spreading…
Declaring an issue is a national emergency lets presidents act quickly and with few constraints. But once they get this…
In the Southeast US, tornadoes strike at night more often than in other regions. This poses special challenges for getting…