Wild animals can experience trauma and adversity too − as ecologists, we came up with an index to tr
New research finds that marmots who experience adversity early in life have a lesser chance of survival.
New research finds that marmots who experience adversity early in life have a lesser chance of survival.
Be very afraid – if you’re an insect.
Many sea creatures lead complex, social lives in the wild and are likely to suffer in farmed conditions. But they aren’t…
8 million metric tons of plastic wind up in Earth’s oceans annually, where marine animals are exposed to this pollution…
Some cities are building huge gates and barriers to counter the flood risk from estuary urbanization. But putting nature…
Disasters such as hurricanes Helene and Milton often hit low-income and other disadvantaged groups hardest. 2 policy experts…
Like the Japanese atomic survivors who were awarded the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, Godzilla has a message to share.
These powerful ‘rivers in the sky’ provide a huge share of annual precipitation in many regions, including California.…
Providing information about risks and easy-to-use test strips made people more likely to check their water quality. But…
One of the most liberal US cities is offering the Supreme Court a chance to further restrict federal regulatory power.
Evacuating is expensive, and for some people the risks of leaving can seem greater than staying despite the storm.
The issue isn’t just the number of chargers – it’s also the quality of drivers’ experiences with them.
The US has seen huge wildfires in recent years, and 2024 is no exception. The vast majority of those that affect communities…
Milton’s fast spin-up in the Gulf of Mexico was one of the most rapid intensifications on record. Two scientists who study…
Helene’s size and speed worsened everything from its storm surge to its extreme flooding in the mountains. And another…
The promising compounda were discovered on an organic farm.
If your area experiences a 1,000-year rainfall event, don’t assume that you’re off the hook for the next 999 years.
Weather disasters such as floods create health threats that can linger for months, from infected cuts to mold growth to…
A lot went wrong in the scramble to respond after a train carrying highly volatile vinyl chloride and other chemicals derailed…
Vice President Kamala Harris has strongly supported clean energy investments, while Donald Trump has railed against them.…