5 reasons Chinese students may stop studying in the US
A loss of Chinese students from the US – and the US$15 billion they spend on tuition – could have serious repercussions…
A loss of Chinese students from the US – and the US$15 billion they spend on tuition – could have serious repercussions…
In response to anti-racism protests, many colleges plan to implement diversity training. Research shows it's a waste…
It's worth going out of your way to ensure that kids practice interacting with others and maintain their friendships.
Concerns over how to make schools safe amid the coronavirus remain. But for many low-income students of color, old buildings…
Having loads of extra quality time with a toddler or preschooler and feeling flustered? Make sure you know how and where…
Not many Latino students major in business. A researcher explores the reasons why.
The stress of having children do distance learning at home during the pandemic is linked to an increase in alcohol consumption…
It's easier said than done, acknowledges a nursing professor with four children. But it's going to be necessary…
Students with exceptional spatial skills should be eligible for gifted and talented services and given personalized support.…
Though he had a speech impediment and came from humble beginnings, John Lewis went on to become a giant of the civil rights…
When lockdowns went into effect earlier this year, interest in massive online open courses, or MOOCs, began to surge. An…
Nearly every country in the world shuttered its schools due to COVID-19. Now, from Israel to Uruguay, many students are…
When college athletes practice or play, they're really performing work. But are they able to speak up when the work…
These new findings could help explain why Black students are more likely to be suspended, expelled or otherwise disciplined…
Making sure that children hone skills and build up credentials at a young age are part of a long-term plan common among…
An effort to bring three teachers together while they taught young students online over the summer in Arizona didn't…
As colleges and universities strive to protect their campuses from COVID-19, they must also pay attention to cyberattacks…
For US parents, the health, economic and social crisis the COVID-19 pandemic brought about is compounded by the difficult…
Children will probably be OK, especially if their families make sure this elevated level of screen time doesn't turn…
US cities and states are responsible for the vast majority of K-12 funding.