The enduring power of print for learning in a digital world
Digital textbooks might be less cumbersome. But a new series of studies finds that reading from screens can hamper our ability…
Digital textbooks might be less cumbersome. But a new series of studies finds that reading from screens can hamper our ability…
Striking a better gender balance would be easy, but until now universities have not been paying much attention to the problem.
Persistence and self-control are valuable traits that can help kids succeed in school and beyond. A new study suggests infants…
Parents want to do everything they can to get their kids' school year off to a good start. Here's why talking with…
Teenagers aren't just lazy. Their sleep hormones aren't calibrated to let them get up and go until later in the…
It's estimated that 20 percent of first year students are put on academic probation. That's not a small number.…
Dreading math class as you head back into school? Never fear: Try these tips from famed mathematician George Pólya.
As technology and the labor market rapidly evolve, so too does the value of a high school diploma. Despite the changes,…
Education in the United States is becoming increasingly tied to job preparation. But 20th-century philosopher John Dewey…
With a little advance planning and creativity, librarians can help keep kids and teens busy and safe during emergencies.
With the fall term underway and an ongoing case over the death of a Penn State pledge in February, colleges are trying once…
Students across the country have been defrauded by for-profit schools. Fine print in their enrollment contracts has stopped…
Students with unpaid meal debts have been experiencing some shaming policies at school. New rules are aimed at protecting…
Race-conscious admissions policies are still the best way to achieve diversity on campus. Yet, some race-neutral methods…
More and more states are passing legislation requiring that students and faculty be permitted to carry concealed weapons…
School can always be stressful, but starting high school for the first time comes with its own fears and anxieties. Here's…
For colleges and universities that lack the multi-billion-dollar endowments of schools like Harvard, the mere threat of…
From student loans to Title IX, Betsy DeVos has had a busy six months in office. But despite numerous reversals of Obama-era…
From '13 Reasons Why' to real-life events, there's been increased scrutiny on the link between bullying and…
A former president of Northeastern and scholar of higher education shares his perspectives on what has – and hasn't…