Betsy DeVos said Common Core was 'dead' – it's not
Despite claims that the Common Core is a thing of the past, a closer look shows the controversial education standards are…
Despite claims that the Common Core is a thing of the past, a closer look shows the controversial education standards are…
The debate over using school resource officers to prevent school shootings got a fresh airing, after an officer stopped…
In order to prevent school shootings, schools must use threat assessments like the ones that law enforcement uses to protect…
Some school districts are moving to cut back on the use of suspensions. But if school discipline reforms are not implemented…
Taking part in the NCAA tournament tends to make a bigger difference for public universities that garner relatively few…
Despite the failure of zero tolerance discipline policies in schools, the Trump administration is targeting an Obama-era…
Duke University recently decided to assign random roommates for incoming students. Is this silly social engineering or smart…
When students walk out of school March 14 to protest what they see as lax gun laws, some risk punishment from their schools.…
Binge drinking rises during March Madness among male college students who attend schools that made it to the men's basketball…
The cycle of overpromising and disappointment has left donors, politicians and policymakers of all stripes looking to improve…
As part of preparing students to live in a democracy, schools should teach students how to engage in political dissent,…
Even though child care costs more than college tuition in many states, college affordability seems to get more attention.…
The cycle of overpromising and disappointment has left donors, politicians and policymakers looking to improve K-12 public…
The recent strike by teachers in West Virginia demonstrates larger issues with pay disparities for rural teachers.
A deal that allows Kaplan University to shed its for-profit status and join Purdue University may represent a new way for…
It's hard to succeed in college if you're hungry. But more than half of community college students don't have…
Nearly half of all teachers report having high levels of daily stress. Research shows that when teachers are stressed out,…
In order to prevent future mental health problems among at-risk students, schools must do a better job of screening for…
Much like the printing press upset the social order centuries ago, the explosion of information online is challenging the…
As the nation searches for ways to prevent the next school shooting, one scholar says answers can be found in a forgotten…