New College Scorecard could help students choose better colleges, but there's still room to improve
The new College Scorecard – an online tool – offers valuable insights into how much you can expect to earn and owe if…
The new College Scorecard – an online tool – offers valuable insights into how much you can expect to earn and owe if…
Being ready takes training and practice. But it might not require fake blood and simulated shootings.
A scholar who has taught in prison weighs in on 'College Behind Bars,' which airs Nov. 25 and 26 on PBS. The documentary…
Universal screenings for childhood trauma, like the ones being implemented at California schools, may cause more harm than…
The effective teaching of news literacy needs to go beyond simple fact-checking, a journalism professor argues.
California's surgeon general has implemented schoolwide screenings for trauma. A social work professor explains why…
Stories like 'Romeo and Juliet,' 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' and 'Jane Eyre' are still…
Democratic plans to boost school funding are rooted in research that shows more funding really does boost achievement for…
Colleges and universities should apply the best techniques of research and education to their own decision-making.
Although the GI Bill enabled generations of former service members to acquire higher education and enter the middle class,…
A cognitive scientist observes that the words that bother college-age Americans today can cause harm.
Small private colleges are closing left and right. A veteran university administrator explains the forces behind the trend.
Faced with uncertainty over their next meal, teens in a Texas study reveal the various things they resort to in order to…
Nearly a decade after Tyler Clementi's death, there are growing efforts to do more to protect students like him from…
Working in college may help students pay the bills, but putting in long hours can come at a cost, research shows. A scholar…
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos discusses "expanding education freedom" for American students.
Now that the NCAA will allow college athletes to seek paid endorsements, questions abound about how the players will be…
Research suggests that kids benefit when there are fewer of them in a classroom. But quickly reducing class size can cause…
Amid plans to create special sports divisions for high-poverty schools, coaches at such schools explain how they produce…
While selective universities may be elusive for many students, going to a community college first can represent an alternative…