Why market competition has not brought down health care costs
GOP lawmakers say their bills to replace the Affordable Care Act would do a better job than the ACA of controlling rising…
GOP lawmakers say their bills to replace the Affordable Care Act would do a better job than the ACA of controlling rising…
Every American shoots off almost a pound of fireworks a year, on average, and their growing personal use is causing injuries…
Trump's proposed tax changes would reduce charitable giving, research suggests. But letting everyone use a tax break…
Health outcomes for rural Americans have steadily deteriorated in recent decades even as they've improved elsewhere.…
Amazon's founder turned to Twitter to crowdsource ideas for his charitable giving. This populist approach and his preference…
India's recent move toward a cash-free society helped reveal just how important physical currency is to the informal…
Cutting the program formerly known as food stamps would hurt low-income Americans and the whole economy. As research indicates…
You can now pay your way with apps, cryptocurrencies and other digital alternatives. Physical money might one day look like…
Ethical scandals at Uber and Fox have focused attention on the leaders of the organizations, but the problems of a toxic…
Amazon paid a premium to snap up the upscale grocery chain, so we asked an economist to help us better understand the deal…
Seeing cheerful kids in fundraising pitches works better for some potential donors than others, research suggests. Nonprofits…
The president restored restrictions on Americans' travel to Cuba and prohibited transactions with its military. Here's…
Saudi Arabia and the UAE led a group of countries that have severed all ties to fellow American ally Qatar over its foreign…
The Federal Reserve lifted rates for the second time this year and expects to do so once more, suggesting it's fairly…
There's an assumption that the poor eat more unhealthy fast food because it's relatively cheap, leading some governments…
More than 200 mayors have committed their cities to stick with the Paris climate deal no matter what the US does. Electric…
Thwarted efforts to organize at Yale and a New York nursing home show how a changing of the guard at the National Labor…
UK voters delivered a devastating blow to the prime minister, who combined a populist message with her party's traditional…
A growing number of animal advocates want Americans to do more to aid animals raised in farms for food, rather than supporting…
While security concerns have punctuated the campaign's closing days, Brexit remains the most important issue on voters'…