Keeping score of 'friends' on Facebook and Instagram may be harmful to your health
Social media is making it easier than ever to measure your perceived popularity against your peers in ways that damage are…
Social media is making it easier than ever to measure your perceived popularity against your peers in ways that damage are…
After taking a class in which they give money away, students get more interested in donating to and volunteering at local…
Donors who support charitable causes have a 'taste' for giving, researchers found.
A provision in the House's pending tax bill would let religious and secular nonprofits engage in political speech without…
If no one claims the remains of cult leader and killer Charles Manson, it's unclear what will happen to his body. Will…
A retail scholar explains what drives consumers to behave badly on one of the busiest shopping days of the year.
Nondisclosure agreements are getting a bad rap these days because they've been used to prevent victims of sexual harassment…
The House just passed its version of the tax plan, which includes about US$1 trillion in cuts for corporations. The question,…
Nonprofit fundraisers have long relied on matching funds to encourage giving without knowing if they work. Recent research…
An economist explains why turkeys defy the economic laws of supply and demand.
American lawmakers in the 1930s learned the hard way what happens when a country raises tariffs and makes other unilateral…
The decision by the bureau's founding director to step down this month offers Republicans and the Trump administration…
Charitable giving and government aid can shortchange disasters that follow other disasters.
China, Rusia y el FMI figuran entre quienes podrían ayudar financieramente a Venezuela, pero no es nada claro que vayan…
China, Russia and the International Monetary Fund are among those contemplating a Venezuela bailout. But help for this debt-stricken…
Rather than tinkering with the deduction, Republicans should get rid of it altogether and replace it with something that…
Slashing government spending on housing and scrapping a key financing option for new units would make it harder than ever…
Republican lawmakers say the proposed changes to the tax code would 'streamline' higher ed benefits. But this overhaul…
Companies have long tended to protect rather than punish high-profile harassers. That may change as the #MeToo movement…
Colleges and universities boast US$547 billion in endowment assets, yet only a handful of elite schools would be taxed under…