It can take a village to feed hungry kids in schools
Backpack programs that give students easily prepared foods, like boxed macaroni and cheese and canned beans, can make a…
Backpack programs that give students easily prepared foods, like boxed macaroni and cheese and canned beans, can make a…
Pet owners spend a lot more on dogs than cats, and new research suggests it has a lot to do with how differently canines…
Democratic lawmakers have offered a number of ways to reverse decades of widening economic inequality. A tax expert gives…
If tax seasons is stressing you out, a look at the worst things that could happen to you if you mess up – and why they're…
The $270 million settlement may not mean a whole lot if Purdue files for bankruptcy as it's reportedly considering.
Women make about 81 cents for every dollar a man earns, little changed in recent years. Could more pay transparency change…
A new study examined how growing numbers of single women in one of the world's most expensive cities are contributing…
A study that compared Habitat for Humanity affiliates found that what nonprofits are doing may matter more than how much…
Tobacco companies are enlisting the help of social media influencers to promote traditional cigarettes and their brands…
Boeing's response to the crisis over its 737 Max planes has made the company seem defensive and passive. A crisis management…
The Trump administration has proposed a major revamp of the National Flood Insurance Program since its inception in 1968.…
Some are calling the FAA's relationship with Boeing an open-and-shut case of 'regulatory capture.' The reality…
About 47 million adults in the US are expected to gamble on March Madness this year. A growing share of the bets will actually…
From the French Revolution to #MeToo, social movements often burst into the mainstream with what seems like little warning.…
When it comes to innovation, Santa Clara County is way ahead of the rest of the US. Between 2000 and 2015, more than 140,000…
There is no system in place to detect charitable fraud on the scale allegedly committed by a counseling company and its…
JFK pushed consumer rights to the top of the national agenda in 1962, leading to a raft of new laws offering new protections.…
The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled that the families of the Sandy Hook shooting victims could sue a gun maker, a decision…
A century ago, a three-minute call from New York City to San Francisco on a landline cost $500. Today, you can make the…
OxyContin maker Purdue has reportedly been mulling a bankruptcy filling, just as the first of around 2,000 lawsuits against…