Caitlin Clark’s historic scoring record shines a spotlight on the history of the Association for Int
Before being pushed aside by the NCAA, the AIAW, which was designed for and by women, governed women’s college athletics.
Before being pushed aside by the NCAA, the AIAW, which was designed for and by women, governed women’s college athletics.
No other 20th-century American novel did quite so much to burnish Brooklyn’s reputation. But Smith rarely saw her hometown…
In addition to destroyed buildings, there’s an entire underground world – filled with untold numbers of artifacts, bones…
Many children’s educational shows undergo pre-screening to make sure each episode delivers its intended message. Adult…
Her new songs are arriving at a moment when country music’s reputation as overwhelmingly white is finally starting to…
Nearly 80% of people have accepted invitations to events they didn’t want to attend.
It’s tempting to see this trend as a sign of the times. But the biggest book publishers started changing their approach…
The colorful bubble letters have attracted praise and condemnation, with taggers seeing their work as a gift to the city,…
How can an industry experiencing systemic failure get back on its feet?
In 1930, economist John Maynard Keynes famously predicted that within a century, the normal workweek would decrease to 15…
Words have power, and what vocabulary you have at your disposal to describe your relationships with other people can shape…
The show has served as the nation’s laugh track for decades. Who will take over when he retires?
These moving poems are a reminder that on Valentine’s Day, it’s OK to celebrate a broader definition of love.
Oh, yeah, and there’s a game, too.
What makes the NFL’s embrace of gambling so striking is that for most of its history, the league had pushed the government…
The work remains a crowd favorite. But more and more scholars are starting to see ‘Rhapsody’ as a whitewashed version…
The NFL’s embrace of the sport points to a promising future. But gender and political divides could stand in the way.
How did a musician whose songs were suffused with messages of anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism become so commercialized?
In 1993, Joel sang, ‘These are the last words I have to say.’ What changed?
As the journalism industry continues to crater, wealthy plutocrats are consolidating their control over information systems.