Can an intelligence test forecast which quarterback draft prospects will have NFL success?
For nearly 50 years, teams have administered the controversial Wonderlic test to measure cognitive ability. Two researchers…
For nearly 50 years, teams have administered the controversial Wonderlic test to measure cognitive ability. Two researchers…
Nearly three-quarters of fans say they won’t attend games until a vaccine has been developed.
With dreaded, invisible germs lurking on surfaces and in people, our surroundings are seen as a minefield – and we end…
Then – as now – the wealthy fled to the countryside, while the urban poor were forced to work on the front lines.
Their loss affects those in the LGBT community who have the least to lose.
Musicians around the world can connect with you online as you keep your social distance. Try it!
As people everywhere don face masks, scarves and bandanas to protect against coronavirus, Muslim women who wear the niqab,…
Unbridled ambition and bruised egos created an irreparable fissure.
Far from alarmist, images of the coronavirus seem to communicate patience and trust in science – both of which will be…
This isn't the first time sports have been put on hold. But in the past, the reprieve was brief, and sports went on…
There are more captive tigers in the U.S. than there are in the wild around the world – and they can be bought for less…
During our current bout of collective trauma, many of our coping strategies have mimicked the ways Americans responded to…
The 'tough guy' is a cultural archetype that political leaders have long adopted. But during crises, Americans tend…
While male and female prisoners at Auschwitz faced the same ultimate fate – torture, forced labor and near-certain death…
Through careful framing and dialogue, Autumn de Wilde's movie portrays Emma as the embodiment of perfection, rather…
In the past, maintaining physical distance was an important aspect of public life – and clothes played a big role.
Humans tend to downplay their own susceptibility to being harmed – an attitude of 'it won't happen to me'…
As a public health measure, cities and states around the country have ordered restaurants to close or to switch to pickup…
To foreigners, he was a fellow traveler who recognized the plight of the oppressed.
When prosecutors introduce lyrics, they're asking juries to suspend the distinction between author and narrator, reality…