A hazy legal landscape means people can get high on hemp products, even where pot is prohibited
The 2018 farm bill legalized hemp products that offer a high similar to marijuana nationwide. Experts worry that lax regulations…
The 2018 farm bill legalized hemp products that offer a high similar to marijuana nationwide. Experts worry that lax regulations…
Women’s work may not have been glamorous, but it was vital to the workings of the pope’s court and surrounding city.
The German peasants were among the first to try to unlock the revolutionary potential of Reformation teachings to fight…
Donald Trump claims that Article 2 of the Constitution gives him the right ‘to do whatever I want as President.’ A constitutional…
Everyone is more likely to cast a ballot when voting is convenient, data from Florida’s early on-campus poll site shows.
The technology is always on call and is quite competent. But it lacks the contemplation and attention to detail that yield…
Limiting exposure to air pollution will have lasting impacts on Colorado communities with the highest exposure.
You need only trace amounts of selenium to survive. Falling outside of this narrow therapeutic window can have significant…
The AIIB is a paradox: an institution connected to the rules and norms of the liberal international order, but one created…
A scholar of global Catholicism writes how Francis has opened the church to the outside world in ways no pope had done before.
Housing market appreciation has been the primary driver of growing white-Black wealth disparities since the mid-1980s.
Tesla billionaire’s financial entanglement in China raises the prospect that he could be the odd man out when it comes…
Rather than ‘offshoring’ criminals to the US, Venezuelan government policies have both consolidated gangs and created…
The Trump administration has asserted a new balance of power among the three formerly coequal branches of government. In…
Recreational cannabis legalization has both Democratic and Republican champions in Harrisburg, but they face significant…
For one thing, the presence of employees with disabilities improves the culture of the entire organization, making it more…