That Arctic blast can feel brutally cold, but how much colder than ‘normal’ is it really?
The answer depends on how you define ‘normal.’ The baseline has been creeping up as the planet warms.
The answer depends on how you define ‘normal.’ The baseline has been creeping up as the planet warms.
The future of scrub mints could be in jeopardy because of climate change, development and misclassification.
For many Americans, stricter immigration policy is not enough. Many would justify civilian and government violence against…
William Shakespeare’s play ‘Richard III’ illustrates how a power-hungry monarch can attain the throne at the expense…
Wars always include killings and destruction, but there are limits. An expert in international law explains the rules of…
Using digital blueprints of the metabolism of microbes, scientists can simulate expensive and time-intensive experiments…
An analysis of several studies on learning styles suggests that students perform slightly better academically when lessons…
From dried-up rivers to flooded crops and cities, rising temperatures in 2024 wreaked havoc with water, creating life-threatening…
Legacy newsrooms have lost their audiences. Could a radical transformation in how they practice journalism make the industry…
Two professors explain why and how their approach creates a richly textured understanding of the American Dream.
Researchers have applied AI to every step of the drug development process. But this might not be enough to design safe and…
The Trump administration has different interests and priorities than those of the Biden administration for regulating technology.…