Rain may have helped form the first cells, kick-starting life as we know it
The earliest cells likely didn’t have membranes to separate and protect their components and chemistry away from a harsh…
The earliest cells likely didn’t have membranes to separate and protect their components and chemistry away from a harsh…
‘New farmers’ have made the virtues and pleasures of rural life go viral. But with any new big thing on social media,…
Disaster relief requires cooperative, healthy relationships between the president, federal agencies and state, local and…
Every other country that used an electoral college has been unsatisfied with the results and chosen another way to pick…
Communism, Marxism and socialism are all different economic and political ideas. As concepts, they all seek to move toward…
Natural disasters create practical challenges for voters and election administrators. But in some cases, voters can also…
Voters may shake it off when celebrities endorse presidential candidates – but sometimes it makes the politicians look…
Over the past 100 years, US politicians have used racist tropes to stoke white fears of being powerless.
Like the Japanese atomic survivors who were awarded the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, Godzilla has a message to share.
Don’t be fooled by the image of a mad scientist isolated in his basement laboratory. Science is a collaborative endeavor,…
Unlike other big tech companies, OpenAI is the for-profit subsidiary of a nonprofit overseen by the nonprofit’s board…
Some people swear by it, others find it painfully distracting. Here’s what the research suggests about the best way to…
These powerful ‘rivers in the sky’ provide a huge share of annual precipitation in many regions, including California.…
Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is one of 2 comets from the Oort Cloud passing by Earth in October 2024.
Women’s formal involvement in bishops’ synods has grown slowly over the decades. Even when they were excluded, Catholic…
Teachers who took the course reported less depression and better sleep − and needed fewer sick days.
In 2020,the #StopTheSteal movement built over months of false claims of fraud, culminating in the violence of Jan. 6, 2021.…