US oil and gas production surged to record highs under both Trump and Biden-Harris, despite very dif
Trump aggressively supported fossil fuels. The Biden-Harris administration focused on replacing them with clean energy.…
Trump aggressively supported fossil fuels. The Biden-Harris administration focused on replacing them with clean energy.…
The FDA’s rule change requires that all women in the US be informed about breast density and options for supplemental…
A scholar explains why some people see their vinyl records as a sacred collection.
Praying in school is protected by the Constitution but only under certain conditions.
NASA’s decision to send Starliner’s crew home on a SpaceX capsule will have implications for Boeing, the agency itself…
These small galaxies are either crammed with stars or they host gigantic black holes. The data astronomers have collected…
School mass shooters often display warning signs well before they open fire. How can schools and police take preventive…
Traveling to space is riskier than many extreme sports − an increase in private missions could mean more civilians taking…
Cemeteries can set their own rules, and Arlington’s are the most restrictive in the nation, meant to protect what it calls…
Iowa and Idaho have passed abortion trafficking laws that stop people from helping minors get abortions. These laws open…
In 1966, the assertion of Black power was grounded in an appeal to the founding principles of the United States. Black church…
Among those developing the brain swelling known as encephalitis, approximately one-third will die, with the rest likely…
Presidential candidate’s potential ties to an Irish slave owner complicate narratives around colonial legacies and the…
New research demonstrates that the dye that gives nacho cheese its yellow-orange color can also make mouse skin see-through.
This trend may surprise you, given the attention the public, policymakers, politicians and the media paid to food insecurity…
Las palabras que los médicos eligen durante una consulta -e incluso el tiempo verbal- pueden ayudar o perjudicar a un paciente…
Screen use has a PR problem, and many parents feel guilty about how much time they and their children spend on it. Examining…