Policy, shmolicy: Election Day weather and football victories could decide the election
For all the energy, creativity and money presidential candidates pour into their campaigns, it turns out that the ‘subtle…
For all the energy, creativity and money presidential candidates pour into their campaigns, it turns out that the ‘subtle…
Evidence suggests that despite their many differences, communities of color tend to vote for candidates who support policies…
The H5N1 virus has infected about 900 people since 2003, and more than half of them died. But so far there is no evidence…
Long before the pandemic, health care workers were experiencing high levels of stress, burnout and compassion fatigue, all…
Researchers are uncovering the ways by which dad, mom or both parents drinking can result in fetal alcohol syndrome and…
The imperative for employers to accommodate people with disabilities is partly driven by the need to keep older workers…
New research shows that Americans have positive feelings toward nature but also detects strong undertones of longing, guilt…
Makeshift memorials are public expressions of private mourning in response to trauma and tragedy.
Parasports couldn’t exist without classifying competitors by their physical and mental limitations. But the process is…
It’s rare to see both Nina’s at the same time, but both appeared to be developing in August 2024. That could help soften…
When southeast Chicago’s steel industry collapsed, the loss reverberated through neighborhoods built around the mills.…
A century ago, a pioneering sex researcher challenged the idea that respectable women did not – and should not – experience…
The author of a new book about the 1970 shootings at Kent State University explains why using armed troops to respond to…