How new reports reveal Israeli intelligence underestimated Hamas and other key weaknesses
Recent media coverage mostly confirms the role of faulty threat assessments, Hamas’ improved operational security, and…
Recent media coverage mostly confirms the role of faulty threat assessments, Hamas’ improved operational security, and…
Sports researchers learned that conservative political leanings among state legislators lead to biases against transgender…
By disguising her name, Alcott could publish in less prestigious venues without worrying about tarnishing her literary reputation.
What’s in a name? A lot, if you’re an Audubon’s Oriole or a Townsend’s Solitaire.
Research shows that focusing strictly on weight loss is not only ineffective in the long term, it can even be harmful and…
Disinformation campaigns often use a set of rhetorical devices that you can learn to spot, like conspiracy narratives, good…
Translation involves more than just transferring words from one language to another. Better translations of study materials…
The spirit of the season is free, but that tree is going to cost you.
Scientists analyzing isotope ratios have found that many of the elements that make up life could be left over from Earth’s…
The agreement still leaves many unanswered questions, as well as concerns from vulnerable countries about who will qualify,…
Your car’s safety technology takes you into account. But a lot of that technology helps car companies collect data about…
It’s hard to overestimate the role Henry Kissinger played in Chile. A former Chilean diplomat describes the mark that…
Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama had used a long-standing Senate practice to block military promotions.
The first female justice on the Supreme Court was also the last justice to have served as an elected official. And her contributions…
Electroconvulsive therapy often evokes inaccurate images of seizing bodies and smoking ears. Better understanding of how…
An intellectually humble person may have strong commitments to various beliefs − but balanced with an openness to the…
New research provides evidence for the first time that the primary chemical in Roundup is reaching people in nearby homes,…
For a project on identifying lead water pipes in homes, outreach through partner groups produced a more representative set…