Climate change is altering animal brains and behavior − a neuroscientist explains how
Rapidly changing temperatures and sensory environments are challenging the nervous systems of many species. Animals will…
Rapidly changing temperatures and sensory environments are challenging the nervous systems of many species. Animals will…
The threat to shut down the federal government to attain political goals appears to be an important factor in the budget…
Higher jail mortality is related to jail turnover rates and demographics.
Women represent half of Mexico’s Congress and hold key positions in politics and the judiciary. But the country is still…
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed claims his landlocked country has a right to demand maritime access to a Red Sea port…
Many countries still plan to increase fossil fuel production in the coming years and are offering big subsidies. Negotiators…
When you’re an astronaut landing on the Moon, you can’t rely on the same gravitational cues we have on Earth. But regimented…
Turkey and Israel exchanged tit-for-tat diplomatic withdrawals over President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s pro-Hamas stance…
Power companies can be publicly or privately owned and may report to corporate boards, local governments or co-op members.…
The new constitutional amendment to protect the right to abortion in Ohio − as well as other wins for Democrats − shows…
Los jóvenes latinos de Estados Unidos se enfrentan a menudo a un panorama contradictorio:
La humildad no recibe el bombo y platillo de virtudes como la valentía, la compasión o la generosidad.
An expert on the laws of war argues that the burden is now on Israel to show that the heavy death toll in Gaza is proportionate…
The deadline to fund the US government is fast approaching, and it will take a Congress seemingly addicted to brinkmanship…
Democrats regained the Virginia legislature in the 2023 election, and that spells trouble for Republicans seeking to win…
A new study unexpectedly found a way to help people assess social media posts with less bias and more care – pairing them…
A research accident in the Binder lab at the University of Tennessee led to an unprecedented discovery about how plants…
The leader of Chechnya rules with brute force, impunity and near autonomy. Why doesn’t Vladimir Putin rein him in?