Edward Blum's crusade against affirmative action has used the legal strategy developed by civil righ
Without much scrutiny or fanfare, Edward Blum has led the attack against federal minority voter protection laws and the…
Without much scrutiny or fanfare, Edward Blum has led the attack against federal minority voter protection laws and the…
A newly discovered planet that should be too big to have formed around a tiny star is throwing into question what researchers…
Putin’s worldview echoes Russian phrase, ‘Who is not with us, is against us.’
The diversity of Israel’s Jewish population has been a source of tensions, but also strength, over the decades.
A central question remains unresolved in the draft treaty: Is plastic pollution basically a waste management problem, or…
The board is supposed to stop OpenAI from veering from its mission of building technology that benefits humanity.
For years, the biggest video game publishers have operated under the assumption that compelling stories and captivating…
A veteran of UN climate talks lays out the top themes and their sticking points, including concerns about the host country’s…
Both Israelis and Palestinians are accusing each other of genocide. In this episode of The Conversation Weekly podcast,…
A Cambodian scholar who fled the Khmer Rouge as a child writes about the legacy of Henry Kissinger, who died at the age…
Industry is a leading climate polluter: Our road map shows what’s needed to cut industrial emissions in fast-growing countries.
ChatGPT’s interface fueled the technology’s phenomenal rise to prominence. By being good at talking with us, it spoke…
Only a small fraction of women have received any financial education at all.
Fed Chair Jerome Powell bristles at talk of managing climate change, but the damage it is doing the US economy is hard to…
The gentle parenting movement has exploded in popularity on social media. But is it good for kids or parents?
People with adverse experiences during childhood − whether physical, emotional or sexual abuse − had higher rates of…