5 of the most frustrating health insurer tactics and why they exist
The murder of a health care insurance executive has brought scrutiny to the ways that insurance companies can make it difficult…
The murder of a health care insurance executive has brought scrutiny to the ways that insurance companies can make it difficult…
Las especias han sido productos muy apreciados durante siglos. Hoy, los sabores «cálidos» estimulan nuestra salud y nuestro…
La Navidad se popularizó en Estados Unidos durante la Guerra Civil, cuando Harper’s Weekly publicó en portada la imagen…
The custom of mailing printed Christmas cards in the 19th century was a product of the industrial revolution. It was influenced…
Even those consumers who said they usually don’t return any products often reacted negatively during an experiment that…
A clinical psychologist offers research-backed ways to work through grief and support grieving friends and family members…
Opt for a lighter, cheaper red wine if you’re trying to dodge a headache this holiday season.
Twins are pretty rare, accounting for just 3% of births in the US these days. But new research shows that for primates 60…
The International Space Station is an engineering feat that has led to countless scientific discoveries. Like the thousands…
That delay can tip ranchers’ finances into the red. While the land needs time to recover, studies raise questions about…
Black Americans were disproportionately affected by COVID-19 infections, illness and death during the pandemic. But the…
A new form of public-private partnership is reshaping urban landscapes: Community-centered, public-private partnerships,…
The sliver of charitable dollars funding LGBTQ+ organizations rose in inflation-adjusted terms to $823 million in 2021 from…
Trump reversed the Cuba ‘thaw’ initiated by President Barack Obama. But second-guessing the incoming president’s policy…
Despite pressure for students to choose STEM over the humanities, classes in literature, art and history can provide students…
The FBI investigates everything from terrorist threats to cybercrime to public corruption. What does the presidentially…
Charles Schulz’s TV special survived the skepticism of network executives to become a holiday classic.