How El Niño forecasts can help prevent cholera deaths in Africa
Cholera kills thousands every year but is treatable if it is caught early. Understanding how El Niño shifts cholera risks…
Cholera kills thousands every year but is treatable if it is caught early. Understanding how El Niño shifts cholera risks…
Energy Secretary Rick Perry wants to know if wind and solar are compromising the reliability of the grid and hurting coal…
The health care bill recently passed by the House imposes big cuts to the underfunded Medicaid program. A new approach is…
Trump should drop his plans to cut taxes and instead look to some of our closest friends to learn what policies actually…
Christian sexuality websites present evangelicalism as a sex-positive religious tradition. At the same time, they also reinforce…
The May 4, 1970 shootings at Kent State still loom large in our national conscience. What do these events tell us about…
Why is it all about mom? Fathers want to be more involved in their children's lives, but are limited by public policy…
Yelp and Twitter can help us spot food poisoning outbreaks quickly. But a new study shows the data favor some communities…
There remain many mysteries that are beyond science. Does that mean that a God truly exists? A scholar gives reasons for…
Adults are dumbfounded – and according to an expert on fads, that's probably the point.
John Thompson was more than just another Washington bean counter. His resignation may affect which party controls Congress…
Social media seem like a great way for new mothers to connect, but there are times when it's depressing. Here are some…
In the Oscar-winning film 'Moonlight,' as well as schools across the US, student misbehavior is being cast in a…
The nation needs a more comprehensive approach to family leave and relief for parents with child care expenses. But the…
A new report calls U.S. forests an undervalued asset for slowing climate change. It warns that they are being degraded by…
Injuries to the throwing arm of young baseball players have been increasing for years. Studies that assess pitch count are…
Rouhani's conservative rivals are exploiting growing pessimism about the economy, increasing the odds that someone more…
In Germany – a country where going to the theater is a deeply ingrained cultural tradition – the stage is a place to…
The recently translated letters of Latvian poet and journalist Arsenii Formakov depict everyday life – and suffering –…
What legal rules must colleges and universities follow when it comes to speech on campus? And, beyond legal requirements,…