Who are the Baha'is and why are they so persecuted?
The Baha'i faith originated in Iran and today has 100,000 communities across the globe, including the United States.…
The Baha'i faith originated in Iran and today has 100,000 communities across the globe, including the United States.…
Gerrymandered districts are under fire across the US. But a weird district shape isn't necessarily a bad one.
Why do tech companies care so much about self-driving cars? If drivers no longer need to pay attention to the road, they…
By figuring out fission, physicists were able to split uranium atoms and release massive amounts of energy. This Manhattan…
Dealing with a co-worker or manager who says demonstrably false things can be a challenge, particularly at holiday office…
On Nov. 12, a 7.3 magnitude quake killed some 500 and injured 7,000 along the Iran-Iraq border. This Kurdish area has also…
Career and technical education, or CTE, can boost the chances of high school graduation and lower the likelihood of dropping…
Tobacco taxes have been shown to curtail cigarette smoking. Why aren't more countries, including the US, implementing…
HIV has no boundaries. Men and women in almost every country are affected. Yet strides have been made, so much so that many…
Thousands of American women moved west to take advantage of wartime employment opportunities during WWII. For some, this…
Victims everywhere have lost their patience and their fear and are finding willing listeners. A question worth asking is:…
Before you reach for that checkbook or give to a charity online, pause to think about what makes a cause good in the first…
Over half the calories humans eat today come from corn, wheat and rice. Raising a greater diversity of types of crops and…
Disney recently announced a forthcoming streaming service, leading some to wonder if the company is gearing up for a battle…
Far from dispelling the notion among Americans that the system is 'rigged' against them, Republican tax plans are…
Philip Morris has applied to the FDA to market a product that it says is safer than a cigarette, but its own data show that…
Americans have idealized religious freedom and imagined that it brings harmony. But, history suggests it might, in fact,…
Should police be able to use cellphone records to track suspects – and law-abiding citizens?
How do scientists predict volcanic eruptions? To do so with accuracy, they need to know the individual volcano and its history…