The dangerous belief that white people are under attack
A majority of white Americans now believe that white people experience racial discrimination, and memes like #ItsOkayToBeWhite…
A majority of white Americans now believe that white people experience racial discrimination, and memes like #ItsOkayToBeWhite…
Sociologists know what conditions make it more likely a mass delusion will take hold and spread through a group – whether…
The oil giant is bowing to pressure exerted by shareholders and the authorities as it tries to catch up with its competitors.
By 2050, climate change impacts such as storms and drought could displace up to 300 million people worldwide. Nations should…
In his new book, Philip Pullman, once again tackles religion as an oppressive institution. On another level, he continues…
A scholar explains why the president's plan to overturn his predecessor's rule would be a big mistake and disproportionately…
America's understanding of justice may be compromised, which is a more fundamental issue than enforcing the law.
A scholar applies lessons from her research to negotiate with her spouse better and have an 'awesome holiday.' Here's…
Older relatives often object to younger people using their smartphones and tablets during family gatherings. But digital…
Unlike other age groups, 16- to 24-year-olds haven't recovered the job losses they suffered during the Great Recession.…
At many popular destinations, residents are protesting against crowding, rowdy visitors and low wages. With some research,…
Almost 100 percent of black Alabamians voted for Doug Jones. The Democratic senator-elect can thank this key base by addressing…
To learn why some new nonprofits prosper when others do not requires dealing with the fact that everyone has trouble remembering…
Anthropologists have found that ritual feasting, emerged around the time humans were beginning to farm. It came to play…
Sadly, people sometimes deliberately give bad presents.
How do mercury emissions from industrialized countries reach the remote Arctic? Recent research shows that plants on the…
Predicting human behavior is big business. But science may never be able to do so with perfect certainty.
Everything on the GOP wish list just became more daunting to achieve.
As the U.S. weakens its protections for internet users, it risks falling behind the rest of the world, which is embracing…