Why colleges must change how they teach calculus
Each year large numbers of college students drop plans to become engineers or scientists because of poor performance in…
Each year large numbers of college students drop plans to become engineers or scientists because of poor performance in…
Le Guin's father, Alfred Kroeber, was at a forefront of a movement that rejected social Darwinism and cultural superiority.…
Almost 50 independents want to run for president of Mexico in 2018. But only a handful will likely make the ballot, in part…
Posting on social media, reaching a group of friends all at once, can make connecting with others less threatening for people…
Trump touted his administration's economic successes and laid out his immigration plan in an 80-minute speech to Congress.…
Three business giants, Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase, announced plans to change health care delivery and…
A scholar counts the winners and losers in Trump's immigration proposal.
Big data open-access publishing and other advances offer ecologists the ability to forecast events like pest outbreaks over…
Public apologies are a type of performance before a larger audience, and they are to be understood in terms that are different…
According to current forecasts, California has a 93 percent chance of an earthquake with magnitude 7 or greater occurring…
According to a management scholar, a team's mindset and structure – not its stars – will often determine its success.
Although over 200 CEOs have promised to share windfalls from the recent tax cut with their employers – something the president…
Laws like Title IX are supposed to shield athletes from abuse. But lax enforcement allows sports organizations to protect…
Before the civil rights era, a group of powerful and resourceful black women laid the groundwork for a generation of black…
Syrian refugee children are not getting the care they need in the wake of the trauma they have endured. Here's why that's…
Medicinal chemists are tweaking a natural molecule that can be a deadly poison – a modified version might work as a nonhormonal…
Before Trump said he wanted to create a Muslim registry, there were a number of Islamophobic policies in place.
An appeals court ruling against popular Brazilian ex-president Lula has hotly divided Brazil. A legal scholar argues that…