While Mexico plays politics with its water, some cities flood and others go dry
In many Mexican cities, water is treated as a political bargaining chip – a favor that public officials can trade for…
In many Mexican cities, water is treated as a political bargaining chip – a favor that public officials can trade for…
Efforts to curb railroads' monopoly power in the 19th century hold lessons for 21st-century policymakers and internet…
If Mary Shelley wrote the book today, Victor would surely be a synthetic biologist. But those fiddling with living things…
The 1918 flu pandemic has long puzzled those who study disease outbreaks. Why was it so severe? While that question is hard…
Congress changed the tax system to benefit companies with overseas operations but failed to help Americans actually living…
Italy has stagnated for more than two decades, yet its politicians seem hardly aware of the source of the problem, let alone…
The First Amendment protects everything from porn to hateful signs outside military funerals. That includes fundraising…
An ambitious plan to cut the flow of nutrients into the Chesapeake Bay has produced historic regrowth of underwater seagrasses.…
The Catholic Church has historically been unwilling to extend full priesthood to women. However, Pope Francis could take…
During the Cold War, the US built nuclear weapons at a network of secretive sites across the nation. Some are still heavily…
Current trends suggest that evangelicalism is out of step with younger Americans. But, a scholar says, evangelicalism has…
President Trump defended his plan to impose steep tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum by dismissing the consequences.…
It's hard to succeed in college if you're hungry. But more than half of community college students don't have…
The Affordable Care Act has been under siege since it became law eight years ago. What impact will the latest lawsuit against…
One hundred years after a strange and devastating pandemic, researchers comb for clues in dusty libraries, church records…
The current period of partisan division in the US isn't unique. We can learn from past President Dwight Eisenhower on…
Teens' brains develop different skills along a predictable timeline. These milestones should influence the legal age…
Together, two parties with a tough stance on immigration and the EU – the Five Star Movement and the League – received…
Scores of Depression-era films depicted a pattern of sexual harassment that sounds all too familiar.