La esterilización forzada perjudicó a miles en California, especialmente a las mujeres latinas
Alrededor de 20,000 californianos alguna vez fueron esterilizados bajo las leyes estatales de eugenesia. Una nueva investigación…
Alrededor de 20,000 californianos alguna vez fueron esterilizados bajo las leyes estatales de eugenesia. Una nueva investigación…
The debate over using school resource officers to prevent school shootings got a fresh airing, after an officer stopped…
Saving power to use later lets consumers, businesses and utilities generate energy when it's cheap and deliver it when…
Crime is way down in one Flint, Michigan, neighborhood, where locals have teamed up to revamp neglected public spaces. Here,…
The genes in our cells' mitochondria are passed on in a different way than the vast majority of our DNA. New studies…
Most Americans identify as animal lovers and support either full or partial legal rights for animals.
Calls for work requirements for Medicaid recipients ignore the fact that many already do work. The calls also evince the…
When structures collapse, what's involved in finding out what really happened?
While it might seem like a longstanding tradition, it's a relatively recent phenomenon in the U.S.
The Cambridge Analytica scandal wasn't a data breach -- it was a violation of academic ethics. Maybe it's universities,…
Companies developing autonomous vehicles are missing out on the local knowledge and values of the people who live where…
Ghouta, Syria is being destroyed. The news from Ghouta is all about death and destruction. But Ghouta's past was all…
Asian-Americans are extremely diverse. Fear of giving the government personal data may make it more difficult to provide…
In order to prevent school shootings, schools must use threat assessments like the ones that law enforcement uses to protect…
Using 'humanized mice,' researchers found more evidence that a widely used contraceptive may make women more susceptible…
As the internet-connected world reels from revelations about personalized manipulation based on Facebook data, a scholar…
Facebook harvests individual users' data and sells it to advertisers, who narrowly target specific messages to particular…
Despite scientists' initial concerns, federal climate change data sets are still available. But other documents and…