Short-term changes in Antarctica's ice shelves are key to predicting their long-term fate
Last summer one of Antarctica's floating ice shelves calved an iceberg the size of Delaware – but scientists say other…
Last summer one of Antarctica's floating ice shelves calved an iceberg the size of Delaware – but scientists say other…
Made up almost entirely of West Germans, the roster of Germany's national soccer team reflects divisions that remain…
Los argentinos están decididos a no perdonar ni olvidar a los criminales que mataron o desaparecieron a más de 30,000…
La oposición de Venezuela ha convocado un paro de 48 horas para evitar que el gobierno de Maduro vuelva a redactar la constitución…
As the US talks up denuclearizing North Korea, a former defense department official takes a look at the status of America's…
As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise, rice plants produce fewer vitamins and other key nutrients. This could worsen…
When covering Africa, Bourdain rejected the monolithic way media outlets have historically depicted the continent's…
Though some have suggested that college majors should be scrapped, a higher education scholar warns that getting rid of…
Sports fans are of two types: purists and partisans. The attitudes of both can affect the game. An expert explains which…
Countries have some flexibility in interpreting UN agreements on refugee rights. But Sessions' decision that abused…
The declaration was thin, but the meeting itself will have a significant impact on how Trump makes foreign policy decisions…
Venezuela has freed 79 political prisoners in recent months, to global plaudits. But the hard-line regime has also charged…
Psychedelic drugs have inspired great songs and works of art. But they may also have potential for treating disease like…
A flavor of diplomacy that focuses on science cuts through political differences and finds new ways for nations to work…
Experiencing and witnessing violence in their communities can lead to emotional, social and cognitive problems for kids.…
Most religions have a fundamental belief that all human life belongs to God.
The Iranian government reacted to a nationwide truck drivers' strike with unprecedented restraint, apparently fearful…
It could seem attractive to try to teach computers to detect harassment, threats and abusive language. But it's much…
After Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said a school safety commission won't focus on guns, a school safety scholar says…
Stress makes people tired and irritable, but its dangers to the body do not stop there. Chemicals that were meant to work…