The latest blood pressure guidelines: What they mean for you
New guidelines for high blood pressure lower the numbers to define and diagnose high blood pressure. Here are some things…
New guidelines for high blood pressure lower the numbers to define and diagnose high blood pressure. Here are some things…
Large Silicon Valley firms are not particularly diverse in terms of gender or race, but there are some companies doing better…
These partnerships between investors, governments and nonprofits are a new way to pay for programs and services that help…
As a federal school safety commission searches for ways to lessen school violence, a psychology professor advises the commission…
On the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, an encyclical released by Pope Paul VI calling for prohibition on contraceptive…
As the climate changes and the population grows, meeting the demand for food will become more difficult as arable land declines.…
Universities teach students and produce research -- but do they have responsibility to engage with the communities that…
If Melania Trump was asking observers if they care about the lives of undocumented immigrants, this researcher can offer…
The Trump administration wants to streamline federal food safety efforts under one roof as part of a sweeping new plan to…
Turkey's snap election is on Sunday. One fact is clear: The candidates and electorate are both nationalist and pious.…
Hay cada vez más evidencia que los edulcorantes artificiales están relacionados con problemas de salud crónicos como…
Las falsas noticias están dividiendo a los venezolanos, haciendo que el final pacífico de su profunda crisis sea cada…
As the nation grapples with its opioid addiction epidemic, one solution for many with chronic joint pain and back pain could…
Trump's defense of harsh immigration tactics and dehumanizing language should ring alarm bells, according to two scholars…
China want to win the World Cup by 2050. This year, its team didn't even qualify for the tournament. China has money,…
Noted physician and author Atul Gawande was named CEO of a new health care venture aimed at cutting costs and improving…
Simpson, who has made the black body the focal point of her work, discusses her biggest influences and the challenges of…
Thinking about philanthropy in a more complex way may help donors do more good.
Globalism has made it easier than ever to visit faraway places – and easier to never really leave home while you're…
The traumatic separations of children and parents initiated at the border can cause permanent changes in the structure of…