How does your body 'burn' fat?
Trainers and fitness gurus often tell their charges how to 'burn fat.' But what does that actually involve? Here's…
Trainers and fitness gurus often tell their charges how to 'burn fat.' But what does that actually involve? Here's…
A mystery disease that struck US personnel in Cuba and China triggered fears of a sonic weapon. But two experts argue that…
In the US, smiling is a reflexive gesture of goodwill, but Russians view it as a sign of stupidity. Social psychology research…
A Trump administration proposal to merge the federal departments of Labor and Education could spell doom for the liberal…
Undocumented entries across the border are at all-time lows. The people now arriving are not Mexican workers, but a smaller…
Terrorists are wealthy. They're poor. They're Christian. They're atheists. They come from all over. That's…
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, el candidato presidencial favorito de México, busca terminar con la violencia en el país…
People's most private information isn't on paper locked in desks anymore – it's online, stored on corporate…
The US has a long history of separating families. Research shows the long-term effects of that trauma.
In 38 US cities, hate crimes rose 12 percent in 2017. There were 1,038 hate crimes in the nation’s 10 largest cities –…
With bettors clamoring for an edge, legacy media outlets could add a gambling beat to their daily sports coverage – or…
Evidence of past price manipulation of bitcoin and the just-launched Justice Department investigation highlight the need…
While schools have adopted 'growth mindset' interventions and millions of dollars have been spent to see if they…
Growth mindset interventions work as well as many educational programs, at a fraction of the cost. And they are just in…
Children with cancer often experience terrible pain. Adults who treat them are determined to lessen their suffering. Can…
President Trump is criticized for wreaking havoc on the international order, where the US was the established leader. But…
US farmers are planting more and more acres with seeds coated with neonicotinoid pesticides. An ecologist explains why this…
History shows that the US court system isn't sympathetic to illegal migrants when it comes to parental rights.
The attorney general can decide immigration cases because immigration courts are part of the DOJ, not the judiciary. This…
Scientists have found that the bedrock underneath the West Antarctica Ice Sheet has the potential to rebound in response…