Would you eat 'meat' from a lab? Consumers aren't necessarily sold on 'cultured meat'
Cultured meat comes from cells in a lab, not muscles in an animal. While regulatory and technological aspects are being…
Cultured meat comes from cells in a lab, not muscles in an animal. While regulatory and technological aspects are being…
Republicans in Congress today are different than GOP figures who challenged President Nixon during Watergate. GOP leaders…
Puede que los latinos estén indignados por las políticas antiinmigrante de Donald Trump. Pero no todos saldrán a votar…
The Trump administration's Affordable Clean Energy Plan would help the declining coal industry, but a study shows many…
Venezuela recently devalued its bolivar by 95 percent to tame rabid hyperinflation that has been sending prices on everyday…
Pollution is killing people in the developing world at an alarming rate. While there are many reasons for this, one looms…
Death is inevitable for individuals and also for species. With help from the fossil record, paleontologists are piecing…
The Trump administration wants to step up logging, saying it will benefit wildlife by reducing forest fire risks. But wildfires…
It’s very difficult to measure whether a conception was intended. But those data are vital to understanding women's…
Students with larger and stronger networks faculty and peer mentors tend to find college more rewarding, a new Elon University…
Researchers analyzed troves of messages sent between matches and found that the fibs people tell are usually rational ones…
Colombia's coffee industry is at risk due to unpredictable seasons, floods, landslides, droughts and pests. Farmers…
Incineration of household waste has gotten a bad name, argues an economist, who sees today's recycling crisis as an…
Cheap Venezuelan oil boosted Nicaragua's economy and funded President Daniel Ortega's many anti-poverty programs.…
Academic research brings people close together as they collaborate on shared goals and projects that often last decades.…
Five years after the first chemical weapons attacks in Syria that killed more than 1,400 people, a team at MSU may have…
The Swift Observatory passed a milestone: 1 million snapshots of the universe. These exquisite and revealing pictures have…
In the wake of new revelations about clergy sex abuse and cover-up in Pennsylvania, civil lawsuits brought by abuse victims…
A standard element of international humanitarian law since 1899 should guide countries as they consider banning lethal autonomous…