Shelter design can help people recover from homelessness
Studies show that people's environments influence their mood. The same is true of homeless shelters, which can either…
Studies show that people's environments influence their mood. The same is true of homeless shelters, which can either…
Two men were convicted in 1859 of violating the Fugitive Slave Act. They had rescued a runaway slave from slave hunters…
How city and state governments identify and keep records of suspected gang members can be problematic. Good data are essential…
Medical social workers coordinate care, an especially important job in complicated cases. Just as nurses and doctors are…
Over the past 45 years, women have married later, attained higher education and joined the workforce in record numbers.…
In many US cities, ride-hailing apps are luring riders away from public transit and increasing traffic congestion. But with…
There are precedents for trying to make the industries responsible for climate change foot the bill for adapting to a changed…
Los emojis son útiles para expresar estados de ánimo, emociones y matices en los mensajes de texto, pero también podrían…
The president says immigration is bad for the US economy. Economists disagree.
While state takeovers of schools are nothing new, the ones taking place as of late suggest a political agenda is at play…
Trump has often talked about leaving the World Trade Organization. An economist explains what it is and what would happen…
Hospitals have been designed throughout the years to be functional. But for patients, that often means cold and scary. Two…
How did civilization emerge from small groups of hunter-gatherers? Some archaeologists focus on cooperation as the vital…
A legal scholar explains why Kennedy's opinions on same-sex relationship rest on fragile constitutional grounds.
With Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement, President Trump will appoint a second justice to the Supreme Court. Will…
There is a long line of well-armed American preachers -- both real and fictional -- in US history and culture, confirming…
Public opinion data on immigration show support across parties and ideologies on a key immigration issue over time.
Total gifts from individual donors are rising, at least for now.
Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a former Mexico City mayor and career outsider, won Mexico's July 1 presidential…
Large-scale emergencies can be a strain, even in one of the world's richest countries. Population growth, income inequality…