The thrill of curing hepatitis C and the pain of watching the disease surge with opioid abuse
July 28 is World Hepatitis Day, and with an effective cure for hepatitis C there is much to celebrate. But homelessness…
July 28 is World Hepatitis Day, and with an effective cure for hepatitis C there is much to celebrate. But homelessness…
As EVs make more inroads, giving tenants somewhere to plug in their cars could become a selling point.
One in 4 US women receives an abortion sometime in her life. Who are the women who choose to end their pregnancies?
White shooters are nearly 95 percent more likely to have their crimes attributed to mental illness than black shooters.
Papa John's is hoping to use the corporate strategy to prevent founder John Schnatter from taking back control over…
History shows that the US court system isn't sympathetic to undocumented migrants when it comes to parental rights.
The difference between probing and mapping and actually attacking depends on the intent of the people doing it, which is…
The president of the EU Commission made several concessions in its trade dispute with the US that suggest Trump's strategy…
México les da a las madres pobres y sin trabajo hasta US$147 por mes para alimentar y educar a sus hijos. Pero ese dinero…
A recent US Supreme Court ruling marks a new milestone in the debate over police power and privacy in the digital age.
After weeks of protest in Haiti, sparked by a sudden rise in fuel prices, at least seven are dead and the prime minister…
Are you sleep deprived? Don't worry. That might make the situation worse. Instead, make some simple adjustments, such…
While the hurricanes last year dealt devastating blows to Puerto Rico, its challenges predate the storms and continue on…
A closer look at House Democrats new 'debt-free' college plan reveals that the plan fails to live up to its name,…
In Theravada Buddhism, ordaining to be a monk and donating the merit thus gained is one of the greatest honors that a person…
Fifty years ago, an insurance agent named Paul Simpson was convinced of rampant bias on the evening news. So he embarked…
Millennials are less inclined than older Americans to intervene abroad, maintain superior military power or believe the…
In the wake of two hurricanes in the Turks and Caicos Islands, researchers document for the first time that catastrophic…
Informes aseguran que el progreso académico de los estudiantes multilingües se ha 'estancado', pero los investigadores…