Why it matters that teens are reading less
In 1980, 60 percent of 12th graders said they read a book, newspaper or magazine every day for pleasure. By 2016, only 16…
In 1980, 60 percent of 12th graders said they read a book, newspaper or magazine every day for pleasure. By 2016, only 16…
In the information age, advertising is no longer needed to inform consumers.That means its primary role is to manipulate.
Donations from the Donald J. Trump Foundation to Charities Hosting Events at Mar-a-Lago violate the spirit but not the letter…
Human trafficking victims can be hidden in plain sight, as one hospital found. That can lead health professionals and the…
Although University of Maryland football player Jordan McNair died from heatstroke during practice, his death also resulted…
Bitcoin is often criticized for using up tons of energy. But its carbon footprint may not be that bad.
It's not a matter of if, but when, the next deadly pandemic will strike. Will the world be ready?
For several billion people mosquitoes are more than a nuisance--they transmit deadly diseases. Now genetic modification…
Roughly 10,000 tons of plastic enter the Great Lakes every year, and scientists want to know where it ends up. There are…
Democrats hoping that Latinos will punish the Republican Party for Trump's immigration policies haven't looked hard…
When record executives tried to mold Franklin's sound to their liking, her career sputtered. Then legendary producer…
Las cocinas son como minilaboratorios: los alimentos y utensilios se someten a temperaturas extremas. Por eso, no sorprende…
Helium lifts balloons and makes our voices squeak. But its supply on Earth is finite and is critical for modern industrial…
More than 16 million people in the U.S. take care of people with dementia. Could we learn something from how other cultures…
The strengths of social media are also its weaknesses. Facebook must acknowledge that it has transformed from a startup…
And without white privilege, they wouldn't feel compelled to follow a white script.
On top of boosting South Sudan's development, these groups are showcasing what refugees can accomplish in the US.
Since China stopped importing 'foreign garbage' in March 2018, scrap – especially plastic – has built up in…
The FDA just a approved a new type of drug called siRNA. Here's how it works and why everyone is so excited about it.
Pollination by commercially raised bees is important to a variety of crops but none more than California almonds. In turn,…