Designing greener streets starts with finding room for bicycles and trees
Many US cities are investing in bike infrastructure and shade trees. Properly located, these additions can make streets…
Many US cities are investing in bike infrastructure and shade trees. Properly located, these additions can make streets…
La globalización ha hecho más viable visitar lugares lejanos y es cada vez más fácil sentirse en casa mientras estamos…
Ensuring the integrity of democratic elections from hackers and electronic tampering, and boosting public confidence in…
While Donald Trump's election may seem to US voters to present unprecedented questions of legitimacy, such questions…
Fleeing economic collapse, around 2.3 million Venezuelans have left the country over the past few years.
How can a band so slavishly derivative – and sometimes downright plagiaristic – be also considered radically innovative…
Dangerous open wounds known as cutaneous ulcers are common in people with diabetes and bedsores. Now scientists have figured…
It's a comforting falsehood that once an artifact joins a museum's collection, it's safe for eternity. Museums…
Desde abril Nicaragua, una vez el país más seguro de Centroamérica, ha explotado en protesta, con cientos de muertos…
The evidence in the report is compelling, but experts explain there are many barriers to global leaders taking action.
The more undemocratic tendencies of the US electoral system are growing stronger. As the midterm campaign season enters…
A gaming industry expert explains how casinos' ability to hide the price of a slot spin ensures a reliable stream of…
Checkout charity research suggests that it can boost sales and doesn't ward off customers who don't contribute.
When a dam comes down this fall, a team of scientists will be there to track the environmental changes.
On the front lines were female tennis players who refused to adhere to the club dress codes that banned them.
Some behaviors might help tell propaganda-spewing trolls apart from regular internet users, but the main protection is for…
New research by sociologist Ted Thornhill shows that black students who indicate they plan to fight for racial justice are…
Early Christians were open to marriage for priests. It wasn't until the 12th century that celibacy became mandatory…
Paying these CEOs more when oil prices rise means they're rewarded for having good luck.