John Chau may have been influenced by past evangelical missions and their belief in power of faith
In their zeal to evangelize the world, at the end of 19th century, young families were sent overseas with little to no training…
In their zeal to evangelize the world, at the end of 19th century, young families were sent overseas with little to no training…
The Supreme Court long ago rejected the idea of a federal right to education. Can a series of new lawsuits convince the…
Men who can't take drugs for erectile dysfunction and overweight people who can't lose weight sometimes turn to…
Strikes and rallies have gripped Colombia for months. That's bad news for its new government but a sign of progress…
President Trump has been criticized for the appointment of political allies as attorney general. But history is filled with…
Alongside their famous dangers, radioactive materials have many beneficial uses. With as many more predicted as have already…
By looking closely at traits like wing feathers and spot patterns, a computer scientist trained an algorithm to recognize…
Without much delay, Facebook and Twitter could make significant changes to limit political manipulation and propaganda.…
Financial markets are increasingly worried the US economy is heading for a crash. An economist explains what's got investors…
El zika aún no se puede curar, pero se han identificado factores en la sangre que indican malformaciones fetales congénitas…
For decades, international law did not allow one country to attack another that was using chemical weapons on its own people.…
Meister Eckhart was a 14th-century Dominican friar, who gave sermons on the direct experience of God. His words are finding…
A climate scientist has been visiting the same glacier in Peru for years and explains the complex effects its rapid melting…
Hundreds of US cities have pledged to meet the carbon reduction targets in the Paris climate accord. Now it's time for…
Private companies – many based in the US – are blocking access to their websites from particular countries around the…
It planted the seeds of the tea party and the Trump administration.
As the expected costs of climate change grow, cities are on the frontlines of adapting to sea level rise and more intense…
Vaccination rates for children in some parts of California are down, despite a law that narrowed exemptions. Here's…
American military personnel must pass a fitness for duty exam before they serve. Nuclear weapons handlers undergo a rigorous…
Jair Bolsonaro dice que las protecciones medioambientales entorpecen el desarrollo rural en Brasil. En realidad, las leyes…