Arms and influence in the Khashoggi affair
A missing Saudi journalist has put Trump's 'America First' rhetoric to the test.
A missing Saudi journalist has put Trump's 'America First' rhetoric to the test.
Cincuenta años atrás, militares mexicanos abrieron fuego contra cientos de estudiantes que se manifestaban en la Ciudad…
Nicaraguan migrants send over US$1 billion home each year. This money has played a changing role in domestic politics –…
There are different ballots, voting machines, registration and eligibility requirements and procedures for counting votes…
Legal scholars offer a vision for appointing Supreme Court justices more fairly. While it wouldn't require any constitutional…
The toll of the opioid epidemic is often derived from toxicology reports. These rely on drug tests. A medical historian…
More college students are registered to vote in the November midterm elections this year than they were in 2014, but it…
Worker naked mole-rats take care of their colony's young even though they aren't the pups' actual parents. New…
Exxon Mobil has a clear motive to back a new plan to tax carbon with its clout and money. And a carbon tax that is high…
American spending on pets is more than the combined GDP of the 39 poorest countries in the world. What if even a small percentage…
The National Park Service is moving wolves to Isle Royale in Lake Superior to replenish a small pack on the island. Wolves…
Uno de los mayores focos de pobreza en EE. UU. se da en las comunidades de la frontera entre EE. UU. y México, conocidas…
A deep recession, a severe drought and a plunging currency have led to the biggest bailout in IMF history and 60 percent…
Hurricanes Michael and Florence have knocked power out for millions of people. Burying power lines could help but the costs…
Visiting a haunted house or watching a horror movie can be terrifying and enjoyable at the same time. A sociologist explains…
World Food Day, Oct. 16, provides an opportunity to gauge where the fight against hunger stands. It's also a time, an…
'Fortnite' – the wildly popular video game – is a dangerously addictive, robs students of precious time and…
Twenty years ago, Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered for being gay. A lawyer who helped implement hate crime legislation…
What's really the most dangerous American city? The way crimes are currently counted in the US can easily confuse and…
The testimony of Christine Blasey Ford in the Kavanaugh nomination hearings showed what happens when abuse survivors enter…